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4 Tips on How to Install Bespoke Staircases Efficiently

You may think that the factors influencing your staircase installation only come into play when the actual installation takes place. But the truth is that to make a bespoke staircase installation as smooth as possible, It requires proper planning, and it all begins long before the installation even commences.

The key lies in selecting the right staircase supplier right from the early stages of project planning and considering every detail throughout the entire process. Here are some of the tips that will simplify and streamline your bespoke staircase installation.

Early Engagement

Ordering a bespoke staircase comfortably ahead of schedule is a smart move. Leaving it too late can lead to unnecessary pressure and stress, increasing the chances of mistakes in measuring, drawing, or production. Ensure that all necessary measurements are complete, accounting for floor finishes, architraves, radiators, window sills, and other relevant dimensions.

Precise On-Site Measurements

To guarantee the quality of your bespoke staircase, accurate on-site measurements are crucial. The staircase should be precisely measured and manufactured to comply with all relevant Building Regulations, minimising the need for unexpected alterations on-site and achieving a perfect fit the first time around.

But how do you achieve this level of precision? The key is to work with a staircase supplier who will closely collaborate with you, your architects, and your site teams throughout the project. This includes offering on-site surveys to ensure precise measurements right from the start.

Select Dry-Fitted Bespoke Staircase

Dry fitting involves assembling the stairs without using adhesives, ensuring tight-fitting joints and reducing on-site work during installation. To further enhance the efficiency of your bespoke staircase installation, consider the practice of dry-fitting the staircase before delivery.

Dry fitting involves assembling the stairs without using adhesives, allowing for a comprehensive assessment of the fit and finish before the final installation. It ensures tight-fitting joints and minimise on-site work during installation. This straightforward installation method helps prevent delays and interruptions, resulting in a smoother installation process.

Flexible & Phased Staircase Delivery

Typically, the ideal time for installation is towards the end, making it one of the last items to be installed. This approach ensures that other essential finishing touches, such as plastering, painting, and flooring, are nearly complete. It is often recommended to schedule the staircase installation a few days before the property is ready to be occupied.

Installing a staircase too early in the construction process exposes it to the risk of damage. Especially with high-end staircases made of exposed solid hardwood or featuring intricate designs, builders and tradesmen frequently using the staircase in an ongoing building environment can increase this risk. Timing of your bespoke staircase delivery is important to avoid any unnecessary harm or wear.

UK bespoke staircase delivery

Besides, keep in mind that the original date for stair installation may shift due to other delays in the build. Make sure to inform your staircase supplier of any necessary adjustments, and choose a supplier that allows flexible phased delivery, it can help you maintain full control over the project schedule and ensure a seamless schedule.

Smoother Staircase Installation With Multi-Turn

Installing a bespoke staircase is not simply about the installation process itself; it involves careful planning in the early stages, collaboration with a trusted supplier, precise measurements, and attention to detail throughout the entire process.

With a seamless staircase installation, you can create a stunning centerpiece for your project with minimal disruptions or unwanted surprises. Multi-Turn offers a Staircase Success service that will guide you through every step of your staircase project, from design to manufacturing, to ensure each staircase a successful part for your projects.

Ready to take the next step? Book a consultation with one of our staircase specialists today and discover how we can help with your projects at hand!

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